The 10th International Workshop on Human-Friendly Robotics (HFR 2017) will be organized on November 6-7, 2017, at Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Centro Congressi Federico II - Aula Magna, Via Partenope 36, Napoli, Italy.
Workshop venue
The Workshop venue is located on the seafront, a panoramic view, near the most excellent city hotels.
From the wide lobby, characterized by the monumental perron, it is possible to reach the first floor, the core of the congress center, in which the Aula Magna is located. This is an ample room with 148 seats.
A layout of the first floor within the Centro Congressi Federico II is available here (open a new page, in Italian).
Directions to the workshop venue
The venue is on the seaside, at a walking distance from the suggested hotels.
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